Understanding what happens once you have made a complaint to LGSCO (Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman)
What can I expect from the LGSCO?
Once the LGSCO receives your complaint they will:
identify a contact person for you and will let you know who this is within 5 days of receiving it.
Your contact person is who you can ask about how the complaint is proceeding.
Look at each case individually
investigate your complaint – as each case is different this time may vary depending on how complex the complaint is, so it may take some time
Look at the issues that you have raised
Look at how the complaint was handled by the organisation at the local resolution stage
Where appropriate, ask you and the local authority or care provider questions
Then Make a decision - which may include passing it on to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), if they feel it would be more appropriate for them to deal with your complaint
keep you informed about how your case is getting on - this will be done by your contact person
What if I am still not happy with the response form the LGSCO?
If you’re unhappy about the decision made by the LGSCO, you can ask for a review by a LGSCO manager who has had no previous involvement in your case.