How we work
We make sure that our advocates work to the Advocacy Charter. This means we always follow 10 principles. Principles are the things we believe in which underpin everything we do.
The 10 principles are:
Clarity of purpose
We will be open and honest about what can and cannot help you with
The Advocacy People are an independent organisation. We are not part of the NHS or any other health or social care organisation.
Confidentiality and consent
When you receive a service from us, we will ask you to give us permission to work with you. For most of our services, we will ask you to complete a consent form.
If you are referring someone else you will need to ensure you have the person’s consent to talk to us on their behalf. If the person can’t consent, let us know.
We will not talk about you outside The Advocacy People without you telling us we can.
However, we have to tell someone else without asking you first if you tell us something which makes us think you or someone else may be:
at risk of serious harm or abuse
or -
committing a serious criminal offence.
We will always try to tell you if we are going to do this.
Click here for information about Privacy & Data Protection
Person led
We will support you to look at your choices and reach decisions, but we will not make decisions for you. We will only take action if you want us to.
We will help you to speak up for yourself.
Equality and diversity
The Advocacy People treat all people fairly and make sure other people do too.
We will not discriminate because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (which includes colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor.
We have a culture that values equality, openness, fairness and honesty.
Our staff will do their very best to make sure you understand them.
We will always try to make ourselves easy to understand in the words we use and add pictures, symbols, photos or other ways of communicating – we will ask you what you need. If English is not your first language, we get help from translators and interpreters.
We work with the Royal Association for Deaf people who has advocates who work in BSL.
We will check that you are happy with what we are doing.
We work hard to make sure people live safely, free from abuse and neglect.
Supporting Advocates
We make sure that advocates are good at their jobs. We train them, support them and check that what they’re doing is right.